
Aplikasi antrian berbasis web
Aplikasi antrian berbasis web

aplikasi antrian berbasis web

Vickers, Sonification of network traffic flow for monitoring and situational awareness, vol. Engineering, "Perormance Analysis of a Node Monitoring," Ubiquitous Comput. Intranet Untuk Mendukung Proses Pembelajaran, vol. Barat, "Penerapan Network Development Life Cycle Dalam Perancangan Intranet," Penerapan Netw. Mikrotik, "Mikrotik Documentation Manual TOC Mikrotik.".Saraph, "End-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) Over Internet," IETE Tech. Utomo, "Analisis Optimasi Kinerja Quality Of Service Pada Layanan Komunikasi Data Menggunakan NS - 2 di PT. Huston, Quality of Service on the Internet: Fact, Fiction, or Compromise?, no. Widada, and Kustanto, "Perbandingan Performansi Jaringan Virtual Private Network Metode Point To Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Dengan Metode Internet Protocol Security," TIKomSiN, pp. Hariyadi, "Sentralisasi Manajemen Hotspot Menggunakan Transparent Bridge EoIP Over SSTP," 2016. Machnik, "Authentication in virtual private networks based on quantum key distribution methods," Multimed. Dolev, "Rendezvous tunnel for anonymous publishing," Peer-to-Peer Netw. Patle, "Analysis of Tunneling Transition Mechanism in IPv6," vol. Ramli, "Industri Data Center Indonesia," 2016. Hertiana, "Uji Performansi Algoritma Floyd-Warshall Pada Jaringan Software Defined Network (SDN)," J. Hopefully, this research has a contribution to make user is more accessible to communicate in the local area and monitor the traffic use centrally. The differentiation caused by the encryption negotiation process during the network connected. The data is fewer than the data of EoIP non-IPsec with throughput 94.85%, delay 1.39 ms, jitter 1.37 ms, and packet loss 0.52%. The Result revealed that EoIP tunnel over IPsec has throughput 93.04%, delay 1.43 ms, jitter 1.41 ms, and packet loss 0.43%. Based on the implementation of EoIP tunnel network over IPSec, the researcher analysed the Quality of Service (QoS) for EoIP tunnel non-IPsec with EoIP tunnel over IPSec to find out the comparison. Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) is utilized as the research method.

aplikasi antrian berbasis web

This research aim is to create private network connection by ensuring its security and distributing public address through routing static algorithm. It is intended to make each other enables to communicate in one area and monitor the use of traffic. The development of internet networks requires a network administrator to implement various topology schemes on the location of the different network.

Aplikasi antrian berbasis web